LUXEMBOURG-VILLE — Not happy keeping all his delicious tobacco smoke to himself, a big-hearted Luxembourg smoker is letting everyone at his usual bus stop have a nice, deep, involuntary puff off his cigarette.
“Nothing beats a whiff of rich carcinogenic fumes first thing in the morning,” said Diana Workhorse, a non-smoker who essentially becomes a smoker for 10 minutes every morning while she waits for the bus. “Thank you so much.”
“Merci monsieur, mmm,” said another passenger who happened to be standing only 30 centimeters away when the smoker lit up. “Allow me to guess: Winston Reds, 2017, North Carolina with a hint of Kentucky?”
One passenger was so touched by the random act of kindness that she covered her nose and mouth and ran away.
In response to the litany of thanks he received, the smoker, a 34-year-old father of two, said he was only doing what every smoker should do when he finds himself in a tiny space with a bunch of poor, cigarette-less strangers first thing in the morning.
“As a living, breathing human, you’ve got to feel sad for people who have nothing to inhale while they wait for the bus other than dull, tasteless fresh air,” he said. “It’s not like I can inhale all this smoke on my own, anyway. That would literally kill me. They’ve done studies proving it.”
“And to be honest, the smoke has a mind of its own,” he added. “It’s not like I can control where it goes.”