An office worker from Bertrange has proved that she’s a bona fide daredevil when she announced she would pay with her Sodexo card despite not knowing the remaining balance.
The reckless feat was performed on Friday afternoon when Kristen Ager stopped by a supermarket to pick up some items for the weekend.
When the cashier announced the total was €48.39, Ager struggled to remember how many visits to the supermarket she had made since her Sodexo card was recharged with the allotted monthly €200.
“Screw it,” she thought and told the cashier, “I’m paying with my Sodexo card.”
After Ager pressed the card to the contactless payment terminal, nothing happened. She chewed her fingernail while time seemed to slow to a standstill.
The cashier looked up and shook his head. Ager’s heart dropped. “You’ll have to insert the card and enter the PIN,” he said, offering a last chance to pull off the risky feat.
Ager struggled to recall the number among dozens of other PINs and passwords that clutter her memory. At the last moment, she remembered and entered it.
The cashier stared at a monitor and possibly took a short nap. A middle-aged man in a sweater behind Ager cleared his throat six times. Somewhere in Cambodia, thousands of kilometers away, a cricket chirped.
Suddenly, the words Ager longed to see appeared on the display: payment accepted. Against all odds, she had succeeded.