Saying it would be fun to have a little weekday get-together with the children, catch up, and drink copious amounts of booze, on Wednesday a group of Luxembourg mothers organized a playdate for their kids.
“Come around four so the little ones can play outside while it’s still light out, and I can show you photos from our last trip,” wrote Strassen resident Katia Ramsay in a message to a couple of neighborhood mothers. “But mostly we’ll get drunk.”
“Sounds fun, but [son] Xavi has his piano lesson, so we’ll be over at 4:45,” responded Marta Alaminos. “I’ll bring enough crémant to intoxicate a rhino.”
“That’s such a great idea, because [daughter] Larissa really had fun last time, and she keeps talking about the pillow fortress they built,” wrote Amy Thompson. “My poison is vodka. I’ll bring a big bottle and three shot glasses.”
Sources indicate that by 5:30 p.m., the children were gigging and running around chasing each other as were the mothers.