A woman from the northern town of Wiltz has denied that Wiltz is in the north.
“Wiltz is actually quite central, and some might even say that we are on the edge of the Minett, the southern lands,” she said. “I once found a red rock in my garden. We can drive down to Mersch in only 45 minutes.”
“Now Clervaux, that’s the north,” she added.
However, a life-long resident of Clervaux, which is indeed in the real north, also insists that her city is not in the north.
“Well, you might say that we’re in the upper part of the midlands,” she said. “If you want to see the north, then you need to go to Troisvierges.”
However, a native of the extreme northern village of Troisvierges also denies that his village is in the north.
“If you want the north, you need to go up to Huldange,” he said.
However, a born-and-raised resident of Huldange, which is in the very tip-top of the country, also denies that her village is in the north.
“Sure, if I’m walking my dog and I trip, I might find that I’ve fallen out of the country and into Belgium,” she said. “But there’s still a house or two above mine. Real northerners, if you will.”