KIRCHBERG – A flock of sheep passing through Luxembourg’s financial district in recent days has led to an impromptu job fair, with companies rushing outside to set up recruitment stands, and some claiming they made dozens of new hires.
Ewelyn, a five-year-old female sheep who took a break from her career after giving birth to a couple of lambs, says she hadn’t planned going back to work right now, but that a recruiter from a Big Four firm offered her a very attractive package.
“A salary of 2750 euros a month, a car-leasing plan, and complimentary shearing twice a year,” the ewe said. “I won’t get meal vouchers, but I’ll have access to a patch of grass behind the building where I can go at lunchtime to graze.”
Baaart, a three-year-old male sheep who was hired as a bank support officer, says that he wasn’t even looking for a job, but that he became very interested when the recruitment officer gave him a free pen with the bank’s logo.
“You might think I’m saying this just because I’m a sheep, and that I’m naive and easily manipulated,” the ram said. “But this free pen is freaking awesome, and I don’t care that I won’t get a parking spot and that my office will be in a closet next to the toilets.”
Malika, an HR partner at a large Kirchberg law firm, says she’s now re-thinking her firm’s recruitment efforts.
“Headhunters and booths at career fairs cost a lot of money,” she said. “Catching sheep and other farm animals as they’re being herded from one pasture to another, literally just downstairs, is a much more viable long-term strategy.”