LUXEMBOURG-VILLE — Not happy keeping all his delicious tobacco smoke to himself, a big-hearted Luxembourg smoker is letting everyone at his usual bus stop have a nice, deep, involuntary puff off his cigarette. “Nothing beats a whiff of rich carcinogenic fumes first thing in the morning,” said Diana Workhorse, a non-smoker who essentially becomes a […]
A look back at summer 2018
It might seem like a distant memory, but the unusually nice summer of 2018 was not that long ago. What did you do during this year’s annual few days of sun? “This summer was amazing. I took my dog on a long walk around the lake in Echternach. I didn’t even have to wear a […]
‘Desire for emojis’ turns Luxembourg 9-year-old into vicious crime boss
LUXEMBOURG-VILLE — Using lies, threats, and old-fashioned schoolyard taunts, a local child amassed so many Cactus emojis that she is now considered to be the country’s number one crime boss. Nine-year-old Sophie Goergen became the subject of an investigation earlier this month after reports emerged that she had illicitly obtained hundreds of the tiny figures […]
The summer’s sexiest new umbrellas
Luxembourg Wurst Magazine, Spring 2018
Sun in Luxembourg: how to survive
Every year, thousands of residents of the Grand Duchy suffer from confusion, fear, and physical injury when something commonly known as “the sun” briefly appears in the sky. Follow these tips to stay safe. Don’t panic Is there a giant ball of fire in the sky? Yes. But does that mean it’s the end of […]