Following the invasion of Ukraine in February, Ikea decided to close all its stores in Russia. Good move. The furniture giant then decided to show more support for the beleaguered country by rebranding and changing the colors of its logo to match the Ukrainian flag. Nice. This is Ikea’s look and color scheme before: Here […]
Dear West, could you pass me some of that juicy intel I know you got?
Dear West, I know that you are not one uniform whole, but since I always refer to NATO, the US, the EU, your dozens of allies around the world including Japan, South Korea, and Australia, and basically anyone who has ever enjoyed a Marvel movie or eaten a rainbow-sprinkled doughnut from Dunkin’ Donuts as “The […]
Strong link between how expensive your car is and how miserable you look while driving
Following years of watching people in Luxembourg drive, researchers from the University of Wiltz have concluded that those who have expensive cars generally look miserable, and those who have crappy cars generally look happy. “It makes no sense, but if you look around, you’ll see it,” said Joris Audazio, who led the study. “You see […]
Grandparents to begin Saturday morning shopping by getting drunk
Two grandparents from Mamer have announced plans to start their weekly Saturday morning shopping trip by getting a little drunk at the cafe of their preferred commercial center in Bertrange. The first step of the plan is to find a table near the entrance, one that will give them a good view of everyone entering, […]
Man afraid Ukrainian refugees will learn Luxembourgish before him
A man who has refused to join the rest of the country in welcoming Ukrainian refugees has admitted that he is mainly worried they will learn the local languages before he does. David Last has lived in Luxembourg since 2012 but has yet to make any real effort to learn Luxembourgish, let alone French or […]
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