LUXEMBOURG-VILLE — Saying that it’s important to recognize the life of a noteworthy saint while honoring Ireland and its people, residents of Luxembourg are preparing to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by heading out into the city dressed in traditional giant green foam hands and jumbo glasses emblazoned with the Bofferding logo. Marc Heinen, an Ireland-lover […]
Luxembourg commuters sort of jealous of man drinking beer outside Gare at 8:15 am
LUXEMBOURG-VILLE — Despite expressing feelings ranging from pity to disgust, a majority of commuters hurrying past a man drinking beer outside the Gare at 8:15 a.m. admit that they are simply jealous. “That’s shameful to be getting drunk in public, so early in the morning while everyone else heads off to have a productive day […]
ING marathon’s ultra-short run for people who hate running
In what’s likely welcome news for those in the Grand Duchy who can’t be bothered to wake up at 5 a.m. four times a week to go jogging yet who want to participate in the ING Night Marathon, this year’s event will include a 285-meter course. Called the Schlub Run, the course is designed to […]
Horror as man forced to wear Speedos at Luxembourg pool
WALFERDANGE — A fun afternoon at the swimming pool quickly turned into a nightmare for a local man after he was forced by staff to wear grape-hugging lycra briefs — known as “budgie smugglers” or by the brand name Speedos. On Sunday, the victim tried to enter the pool with loose-fitting swimming trunks, which are […]
French host going to quietly throw out wine you brought
A French friend and his Italian wife who have invited you to dinner are going to thank you for the great bottle of red wine you brought before placing it near the sink and pouring it out prior to the night’s end. The friend, who has a good nose for wine and who has learned […]